Test C - Calculator $99.00/hr 3 hr minimumHiddenAccess GuestsThe total number of individuals present for your production.- select -1-311-2021-3031-3435-444-1045-75HoursHours are calculated by the first person/vehicle to enter the parking lot, until the last person/vehicle leaves the parking lot.3 Hours6 Hours9 Hours12 HoursHiddenNumber of SetsHiddenHourly RateStudio Time Price: $0.00 Stage Manager Price: HiddenBooking Fee $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 $99.00 x 3 Hours Pricing is based on the number of hours booked and the number of individuals present attending your production. Stage Manager Stage Managers assist in familiarizing your crew with the facility, troubleshoot issues and assist in maintaining safety on set. Stage Managers are manadatory. Booking Fee Booking Fee covers customer service and credit card charges. $297.00 $0.00 Total HiddenLink HiddenEmail